Your contributions and prayer support will enable us to meet our goals of bringing our brothers and sisters in East Africa the transforming truth of God's Word. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Thank you for any amount of help you feel led to give.
We appreciate you!
We encourage you to give through Zelle using our cell phone number:
+1 (970) 409-0167
"I didn't know I was a child of God!"
Over and over we hear this heart-breaking phrase. In East Africa, there is a saying: "This is Africa." This isn't a positive phrase in any way. It's usually spoken in a flat, resigned tone that means, "Nothing will get better. I have no future. I have no hope. This is my destiny."
" long as a poor man thinks like a poor man, he will remain poor."
But we know that this is so far from the truth! We are God's children—created to lay hold of our inheritance in Christ! We bring a message of hope, born from God's foundational truth, that He created us to be in relationship with Him. That means we have a GREAT DESTINY!
The highest calling is to walk in WHO YOU ARE in God—the calling of the son. We are so grateful to those who have partnered with us to help bring the truth to East Africa. Would you join with us today?
Our syllabus Our Inheritance in Christ is the tool we use to help set people free. A donation of $20 helps to provide this tool to 4 pastors in East Africa. Would you join us in helping bring God's truth to His beloved people? Thank you for joining with us. We truly apprciate you!
We encourage you to give through zelle using our cell phone number:
+1 (970) 409-0167
Each step we take in bringing freedom from poverty to those in East Africa is a step taken by many. Our missions are funded exclusively by the donations of our generous supporters. There is a whole community of prayer warriors and donors who make this work possible. We couldn't do what we do without you.
"How can we do this, Lord?" At times we are all faced with a calling that seems to reach far beyond our ability to see the path to reach it. That's where we find ourselves daily—asking God to provide and show the way to bring His Word, His Truth of sonship to our brothers and sisters in East Africa. Yet every mission, every time is brought to pass as God moves in the hearts of those who contribute to these efforts in so many ways:
All of these pieces must be present for us to move forward with each mission.
And each time we think, "God, how can we do this?" we see Him move in mighty ways.
Each heart, each soul, each life is precious to our Loving Father. The good that we do may seem small when the need is so great. Yet, what we've seen is that every heart—every life that's changed to be able to see God's great plan for us—reaches still MORE hearts that are drawn to Him. One leader in one rural community can change the lives of hundreds more. And those lives touch yet still MORE lives that are brought to see a future with much greater purpose, fulfillment and hope. So what does it matter? We've found that one message of hope strikes a fire that can light up the world.
Dear internet friend, we have no idea in what circumstances you find yourself today. Perhaps you are living the life of your dreams, praise God! Maybe you are not where you want to be. We can understand that as well. All of us have a deep-rooted need to live a life of fulfillment, contribution and cause. We ALL want the world to be a better place where everyone knows they are valued, valuable, and loved. If you want to be a part of reaching our world with God's life-giving message of hope, abundance and purpose, we invite you to join us in our work in East Africa. Whether through prayer, financial support, or even following our social media, we'd love for you to be a part of our team.